Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas 2013

Each year students custom Christmas cards.  I turn their artwork into cards by scanning it into my computer and using Microsoft Publisher to create the invitation sized cards.  Students range in age from 7 to 14.  Their work is always amazing!

Merry Christmas, everyone!





Thursday, June 27, 2013

Brooke's Mural

My good friend and past art student, Brooke Murray just finished painting this beautiful mural at Poulsbo Elementary School.  She did an amazing job and I am so proud of her!!

Friday, May 3, 2013

Order Form Holder

Order Form Holders

These turned out so cool!  I made them to hold the order forms in the booth during quilt market.  By the time I was finished I could think of lots of other uses.  You could use card themed novelty prints for game tally holders, or prints to coordinate with a party, or... or... You get the idea.  Thought you might like the directions.

Chuck cut me thin Masonite to use for the insides but I think you could also use foam core board or mat board.

Put glue stick all over rough side of board and stick it to quilt batting.  Using rotary cutter trim away excess batting from around board.

After you've cut out everything, place fusible centered on 5" x 2 1/4" piece.  Fold the ends to the center and fuse.  Center fused piece right side on one of the 6" x 2" pieces.  Cover with the other 6" x 2" piece right sides together.

With right sides together stitch 1/4" seam along the even edge.  (The side where the fused square doesn't stick out).  Turn the piece right side out and press.  Top stitch 1/4" from the finished edge. Pull the fused square even with the remaining raw edges and stitch 3/4" from the raw edge.  This creates the pencil holder.

Place 6" x 12 1/4" piece right side up.  Position the pencil holder at the top, pinning in place, edge matching raw edges.  Place 6" x 14 1/2" right side up and place just pinned section right side down over it.  Turn up bottom to match raw edge of top piece.  Press.  Stitch around three raw edge sides with 1/4" seam.

Turn stitched unit right side out and press.  Slip board (batting side down) into piece through bottom opening.  Pull up into corners.  Use a bit more glue and stick top fabric to board at the bottom pulling it tight.
Press bottom piece up over board.  Hand stitch the bottom sides to the back creating the bottom portion of the holder.  Use Word or Publisher to create game tallies, shopping lists, puzzles, etc...  Cut printed copy paper in half lengthwise. 

Fill your holder, put a pencil or pen in the slot and start using  it.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

4H Sewing

This is my good friend, Persephone, she finished her pajamas today.  She's "napping"  on the floor by her sewing machine because that's where we sewed... yes, REALLY!!!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

4H Sewing

Twice a month I help my 4H friends with their sewing.  Mattie is modeling the nightgown she just finished.  Can you believe it is her first sewing project?  I'm so proud of her!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


2013 Shop Hop Pattern

It's done at last!  The 2013 Shop Hop pattern, "Around the Sound" is available for purchase on my website www.enchantedvalleyarts.com All designs are included in the pattern.